Blogmas Day 2: awful Christmas sweaters

It’s a fun one for Day 2 of Blogmas!  Let’s talk about awful Christmas sweaters.

These are real sweaters identified at Sears:

They were just mixed amongst the regular ladies’ wear – I’m honestly not sure if they were being ironic or these are sincere Christmas sweaters.

I saw this on Caroline Hiron‘s IG a while back:

Die hard Christmas jumper – It’s even shipped in a pizza box!

I also came across these at Winners (TJMaxx):

Out of the bunch, this one is the most memorable:

At least I know with these, they’re indicated to be cheeky.

This one is my much-loved though:

I kind of want this Happy birthday Jesus sweater from Tipsy Elves (also enjoy “Happy birthday Dear Jesus” from Full metal jacket for a chuckle).

Do you rock awful Christmas sweaters?  I suggested this theme for our work holiday party but no one wanted to do it. I just wanted an excuse to get or knit my own awful Christmas sweater!

Be sure to check out the rest of the Babes in Blogland for their Blogmas posts:
♥ घुमाउरो
♥ कुली
♥ शारोन अपील प्राइमको शारोन

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लोडिंग जस्तै …


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